
Monday, November 15, 2010

Every woman should read this - now!

I was talking to a friend of a friend today about my experience with infertility, which is always distressing because I don't want to go back there (emotionally), but it was also lovely to have the two boys playing on the carpet in front of us.

I recommended that she read an article from The Dr Within called Every Woman Needs to Read This Chapter Now, which for me draws together the threads on Chronic Fatigue, Fibroids and Infertility - what I had always seen as three mostly separate health incidents in my life. Yet this article explains the links so wonderfully well.

There are so many things all women should know. Information is gold. We are the only ones who can make the right decisions about our health.

So I hope this helps some of you understand the bigger picture, and if facing decisions about the Pill, HRT, or infertility, perhaps this will give you some food for thought.

I hope this finds you as well as it leaves me.

Be well,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Information can improve your life

Sometimes when it comes to health problems, we think of the biggies - major illness, weight problems, diabetes. I know that before starting my business and the fabulous years I've spent expanding my knowledge and understanding of health, I really never gave my long term health much passing thought.

Yet every day we have small health issues, small decisions, basic steps and its the ultimate culmination of all of those things that give us quality of life.

I'm constantly amazed at how simple some solutions can be.

In the early afternoon yesterday my 4 year old slipped on some wet steps and hit his knee and elbow. a few minutes later he started complaining of a severe headache and thought he might have banged his head too. There was no sign of redness or a scratch, but I felt his head and he was burning up with fever. We quickly went home and about an hour later he started vomiting.

Rather than a bump on the head, I suspected a virus was to blame, especially when the vomiting started.

After the first bout of vomiting I immediately started dosing him, myself and our toddler with a charcoal slurry about every half hour. In all, he had 4 bouts of vomiting about three-quarters of an hour apart, but after each one, and each dose of charcoal slurry, his temperature dropped a degree. By 6pm he was starting to brighten up and went to bed as usual at 7pm and slept soundly through the night.

My toddler and I have both been fine today.

The slurry was easy to administer by syringe, even though he was struggling to keep other fluids down. Its pretty much tasteless anyway, and if nothing else was taking away the bitterness in his mouth.

I was thrilled with the results and because I knew what to do I could quickly and confidently handle the situation at home. As a mother, there's nothing worse than dragging sick kids off to a long wait in a Medical Centre where the healthy child could just as well catch something from another patient. And how bad would I feel having a vomiting child near other patients and knowing they could well catch it from him? Let alone cuddling a sick 4 year old and keeping a willful and active 20 month old in check - makes me shudder to think about it. A wonderful relief, then, to have the tools at hand to solve the problem quickly and efficiently.

I have a wonderful book on Charcoal remedies and will have to remember to post some more when I get time.

Be well!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vale Alan

Loss. There's such an empty, disbelieving gap. Every few minutes after 1.30 pm today I'd look out the window at work and be conscious of the sun shining, a breeze wafting through the window, a distant bird. And I'd think: he's gone.

I called him two weeks ago, as he lay in hospital. He could barely draw the breath to talk to me - but I just wanted him to listen. To say I was here if there was anything I could do. To say he meant so much to me. That he'd been part of an amazing journey we'd been on together. A mentor, a friend, a valued and respected colleague, a wonderful boss. Next to my husband and parents he was the first person I told I was pregnant. (I can still remember the exact look on his face, the silence and then the word "s--t" which was the only thing he could think of to say. Several times!). We joked about it for years.

He was totally supportive, had high ideals on the value of women's careers, was passionate about his football club (the tie, the mug, the paraphernalia that cluttered his office) and his son's sport. He spoke so fondly of his kids, was enormously proud of them, never held back from telling funny stories about them, made it obvious that they continued to surprise and delight him. When I was a new parent, he talked of how he'd held his baby daughter while he studied for his PhD. He could always relate.

And now he's gone.

I was privileged to work with him. Privileged to know him. He was always good company, always down to earth. He shared my TV debut and I remember being amazed at how media savvy, cool, calm and collected he was. We had a good laugh about how nervous I was in comparison - even muttering nonsense good humouredly under his breath during the filming, helping me to relax. He shared my dream for that project and he carried it as Project Director through thick and thin.

I will miss you Alan. Thankyou for being the special person you were.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Masters of self delusion

I have found if I "observe" rather than "absorb" the things around me (thanks, Lisa), I see things from a different perspective. A couple of times in the last week, I have observed my own ability to be a master of self delusion. Let me explain.

I go to a local gym. I love going to the gym, and I think I go quite often. I am convinced in my mind that its "only a couple of days" since I last went to the gym. But we each have a record card that needs to be filled out for a circuit and I am surprised each time to find it has been 5 days or 6 days since my last visit. Obviously if I only go once a week (as evidenced by my card), that is not going to have the impact on my health and fitness that I desire, and yet I was totally convinced in my mind that I was doing more.

The second example was the fluid intake I mentioned in my last post. I always thought I was good at keeping up my water intake. But when I start to write it down as per Dr Batmangelidj's suggestion, I find nearly every time that I am only having half or less of what he recommends.

Not wanting to point the finger, but my husband "swears" he takes his vitamins regularly, but I only order one pot of his vitamins for every 2 or 3 of mine.

About 10 years ago, I tried a popular weight loss program and there were two things I was asked to do: keep a food diary and record my water consumption. Interesting. Why was I asked to do that? I wasn't offered an explanation at the time, but I believe it is because we are all masters of self delusion. We think we eat healthily, but the food diary might give us different evidence. We think we drink enough water, but the water record might tell another story.

It is always an interesting exercise to write things down, just to check if you really are on track to achieving your goals. What is it that you want to do? If it is achieve your ideal weight, your ideal health, your ideal business, your ideal investment portfolio - what is your strategy? Write it down, then write down the activities you are taking towards those goals. This isn't meant to show you if you are right or wrong, but it is a great feedback mechanism if what you are striving for does not seem to be getting any closer.

Be Well!


Saturday, May 8, 2010


Have you ever noticed that once you know something, your awareness of it is more acute? An example almost everyone can relate to is when you buy a new car. You suddenly notice more of those cars as you travel around the city - they "stand out" from the crowd.

Since starting the Health Highway, I have found this aspect of observation is also true when you learn something new about health. You notice things, or see things differently.

A few years ago I did a course in Iridology. Whether you believe this science or not (I've struck some sceptics), I find I notice things now when I look into people's eyes. I notice "sludgy" areas, dark spots, nerve rings and signs of brain fogginess and acidity in the body. Once you know a little bit about different signs and signals in the iris, they really stand out when you're talking to someone. I've even noticed these things in the eyes of people whose photos are in magazines. Sometimes its quite disturbing.

A few months ago I blogged about Dr Batmanghelidj's book and website on Water and Salt. It led me to change my own habits and I have felt significant benefit from following his guidelines. Since then, I've observed how much (or mostly, how little) colleagues around me drink water. Particularly in meetings. I started a new part time job last week and on my first day we had a "site visit" to another organization which involved an hour and a half of meetings followed by a walk and talk tour for another hour and a half. Of the 9 people in our party, 5 of them did not have a sip of water or anything else in that whole time. I've been in meetings time and time again for hours where colleagues have not had a drink - although some have drunk coffee, which as a diuretic puts their fluid levels into an even worse state!

I highly recommend going through the information on the Water Cure website and following his guidelines. I have found it to be wonderful. It is something almost everyone could do to improve their health immediately, or to get their body into better balance.

If you are in a workplace and find yourself in meetings, start to raise your level of awareness on this issue. Is water made available? Do people use it? Do you? How often are you working in airconditioning, or travelling in a car or plane? Do you drink more water to compensate for the drying effect?

I don't suggest that you become the thought police on how much people drink, but be aware for your own sake that our brains and bodies run on hydroelectric energy - they need the right amount of water. Without getting the balance right, you are robbing your body of energy and your brain of ability. This will impact your health over the long term. Ever tried cutting a tomato open and putting it on your desk in an airconditioned office? Try it.

Water. Be aware and be better!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A recent testimony to safe products

I didn't blog about this at the time but it is probably one to add as a personal testimony to the value of using safe products in the home.

When we found out about the toxic issues of the majority of retail products used around the home we took quite dramatic action. As a couple, new parents of our first child, we decided to clear our home completely of all products which might contain potentially harmful ingredients. We threw out two garbage bags worth of products from our laundry, kitchen, bathroom and personal care (makeup, perfumes etc). We went from one end of the house to the other and pretty much threw everything out, the weekend we were shown that there was an alternative.

We changed brands to a safe product line (with strong scientific backing, clinical trials and large body of supporting evidence). With several decades of experience in Universities, I was convinced of the value of this information and product line, given its backing by a company representing several prominent US Universities.

I can give you countless testimonies of how this decision changed our life for the better, but I recently shared one with a colleague and thought it was worth adding here.

When our second son was 11 months old, crawling and getting into everything he could, I had a product encounter that could have been extremely serious if we had not been using safe products.

I was in the kitchen unstacking the dishwasher and he crawled in and started playing at my feet while I worked. This wasn't unusual, but I didn't even think of the danger until I saw him reach out and swipe a chubby fistful of dishwasher powder residue off the powder dispenser and shove it in his mouth.

Knowing how caustic dishwasher powder is, I grabbed him and wiped his mouth out as best I could with a wet cloth while my husband called the poison information line. We didn't know how much he might have swallowed. The person who responded to our call said that dishwasher powder was likely to cause bad burns to the mouth and throat and that we needed to watch him very carefully over the next quarter of an hour.

Although I knew we were using products that are publicly acclaimed as the "safest on the planet", dishwasher powder is dishwasher powder. It was an anxious time.

I am pleased to say that there were no burns, no adverse affects from him putting the undissolved powder into his mouth.

Is Dishwasher detergent really that harmful? Should we have been as concerned as the Poisons Information line thought? Decide for yourself. Here is an extract from the book "Let's stop destroying our children" by Shirley Camper Soman:

When Peter Schwab of Seattle, Wash., was one year old he crawled over to the dishwasher to watch his mother unloading it. Suddenly, he put his finger into the detergent dispensing cup and ate a fingerful of wet, but undissolved, Electrosol. In minutes his face was red and blistered, and the inside of his mouth and his tongue were burned white. Because of a series of lucky circumstances Peter was in a hospital within minutes and recovered in a few days. Not so the little girl across the hall in the hospital who (according to Peter's mother) ate some Finish dishwashing compound and required 7 operations to reopen her scarred esophagus. Or the 18-month-old boy who had to eat and breathe through tubes for five months and endured 30 operations. Finish is what destroyed his throat too"

If this happened to your child, would you rather be using safe products, as we were?

Be well! And have peace of mind.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Being a conscious consumer

Being a conscious health consumer saved me over $2,000 dollars today. Yes, that's right!

In February, I took my 4 year old to the Dentist for the first time because I had some concerns about discolouration between his front teeth. The Dentist was concerned that there were caries in several teeth (front included) and referred us to a Children's Specialist in town. I got lectured about my decision to not use a flouride toothpaste and offered an alternative "mousse" product - when I checked the ingredients, the second ingredient listed was Propylene Glycol. So I politely declined this offer and said I was happy with my current products and not convinced that flouride would have helped more than it would harm. We agreed to disagree. I know enough on the issue not to be swayed by a Dentist I have only just met.

I believe I am well informed on the flouride debate from many seminars I have been to and my own reading. There has been a lot of information circulated in recent years as Brisbane has only recently had the water supply flouridated. In addition, a few years ago a good friend of mine had the same situation with her 4 year old daughter and she had been taking flouride tablets since being a baby. So I knew that the avoidance of flouride had little to do with the caries in my child's teeth. I am well aware of the dangers of flouride and would rather avoid it if possible.

So we went to the Children's Specialist last week. They examined my sons teeth and declared that he would require a general anaesthetic of up to 2 hours, 4 to 5 stainless steel crowns and white fillings on his front teeth. They would X-ray while he was under the anaesthetic. This procedure was going to cost $2,300. I had the same conversation with the "specialist" about flouride, was offered the same mousse product alternative (which contained Propylene Glycol) and when I explained that I would not use that either, they suggested dipping the toothbrush into a common commercially available brand of strong mouthwash to brush his teeth. I also declined this option, being aware of the dangers of alcohol in these types of mouthwash products and the risks to the sensitive mucous membranes in the mouth. Being given no option, really, but to proceed I booked in for the surgery and went away wondering how and where I could get a second opinion.

I rang around several friends in my personal network and came up with 2 options, and did a Google search which yielded a "holistic dentist" in a neighbouring suburb. I weighed up the options and chose a Dentist I had heard by reputation through my health network as being exceptional, even though he was a long way away.

Thinking I would have little chance of getting in to see him quickly, I rang yesterday. They had an appointment available this morning at 9am. It was a solid hour's drive, but worth every second.

When we got there, the Dentist put us wholly at ease. He spent a lot of time examining the child physically and taking a medical history. He agreed with me that it was likely other factors which had caused the decay: antibiotics and ventolin at the least. After a long discussion, he examined the child's teeth, then called in a colleague, who also examined the child's teeth. They both agreed that the procedure which had been recommended was unnecessary. The Dentist I had booked into laughed and said "that's good, for a moment I thought I should be off seing the Optomitrist to make sure there was nothing wrong with my eyes!". Now this is a man who has been in practice for 30 years! He also approved my choice of dental products (not that I needed his approval, but it was nice to be able to talk about it professionally).

My son is now booked in for a couple of small fillings next week.

Once home, I rang the "Specialist" and cancelled the surgery and asked for a refund of the $850 deposit I had paid. They agreed without asking why I was cancelling and without trying to cnvince me to proceed. I thought that quite strange. Think about the ramifications of their reaction for a moment. Hmmm.

Several key things struck me.

If I was uninformed on this issue, I could easily have been intimidated by the specialist to proceed with that surgery. For that matter, I could have been intimidated on the flouride issue, which I had to debate twice. The surgery would have cost us a small fortune as well as put my child at risk. Any anaesthetic is a risk. Not to mention the metals permanently placed in his mouth that could affect his longer term health.

I was overwhelmingly thankful that we have a percentage of health care professionals who are more committed to a holistic approach that cares about the patient, as opposed to making money as a business.

I was thankful for my network of friends and professionals that I could reach out to at a time like this and get information that could be critical to the future well being of my child.

It pays to be informed and sometimes it can pay very well. In more ways than in your pocket.

I may have raised a lot of issues here that readers might not understand or relate to. If you feel that way, perhaps there are some issues for you to explore a little further in your own health journey. If my story resonates with you, then I hope you can draw some strength and conviction in your own beliefs, whatever they may be. Always seek a second opinion if you feel that something is not quite right. It may be the best thing you can do.

Be well!


Monday, March 29, 2010

Mosquito Bites

OK, I need help this time. I am keen to find a non-toxic solution to stop mozzies and midgies from biting us. Only myself and my older son seem to be mozzie magnets. Our legs in particular are "a mess". I put several table spoons of bi-carbonate of soda into his bath tonight and soaked my legs at the same time and it certainly seems to have taken the itch away. Thank goodness!

We have tried Vitamin B1. I am taking 250mg a day, but it doesn't seem to make a difference to me. I thought I'd try this on myself first. Perhaps if I increase the dose?

Any advice on a sensible and safe solution would be welcome!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Chemical Free Kids Ten News Report from 2009

Nearly 12 months ago I attended the Brisbane book launch of a new book by Dr Sarah Lantz called "Chemical Free Kids". I was interviewed as part of the Channel 10 news report and this is now available for you to see on YouTube:

Chemical Free Kids Channel 10 news report, 8th April 2009
(reproduced with permission from Channel 10)

Be well!


Lottery or lifestyle?

Is our fundamental health, at any given time, the result of a lottery (our gene pool) or a result of our lifestyle (our daily choices in food, water and exercse)?

At the recent Phillip Day seminar he commented that we are taught that "nature is weak". This is quite a deliberate message because it reinforces our dependence in Western society on consumerism. When things do go wrong with our health, it sends us scurrying off to the Doctor, Dentist or other "professional" health care service to "fix" our problem, often at great expense. Unfortunately a lot of problems can't be "fixed" so easily. We have all but forgotten the phrase "prevention is better than cure". And we totally overlook the big picture of the "sickness industry" and how important it is to the economy to keep this sickness industry going. That has huge ramifications.

I have learnt a lot since recovering from Chronic Fatigue many years ago and I hope through this blog to educate others and by doing so hopefully delay or prevent the onset of serious problems in their health. Or help them find a way back to better health if they have already experienced some kind of a health crisis. Where are you on your journey? Could I walk along with you for a while? If you ever have any questions, feel free to email me and I can explore some answers for you on the blog.

Be well!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Being grateful

I had a lovely experience today. I am applying for a part time job closer to home and had to go to town for the "medical" this morning. In the waiting room, I flicked through a copy of a health magazine and read an article where several prominent Australian women were asked what made them happy and who they were grateful for. One response brought tears to my eyes when the lady said she was so grateful to have had a second child, so that her two children would both have someone to walk beside them through life.

I had a surge of maternal love for my boys, my miracle boys, and wrote this poem. Perhaps I shall just call it "My boys":

Two little boys
One reaching up - the other down
One day you'll be the same
In stature, I pray in confidence
In strength as well as name

Oh beautiful boys
Our precious gift
As babes our hope for you
That laced together are your lives
That you'll grow brave and true

To walk your lives
From here and now
Whatever paths you choose
You'll always hold each other close
and see life through "his shoes"

(c) Deidre Lowe, 2010, dedicated to brothers everywhere

Be well!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My television debut

This news item was run back in 2005. I led a team which had won a Federal Government infrastructure grant worth several million Australian dollars for the University to establish a project involving several other Australian and New Zealand Universities. On the news broadcast you see myself and my manager at the time, Professor Alan Smith. The project ran from 2005 to the end of 2007.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Water, water, water

"Once you understand how the human body works, the wonderful simplicity of water as a free and permanently available choice of medication for so many health problem begins to make sense."

If you only ever read one book on health and making the most of yours, choose one of Dr F. Batmanghelidj's books. "Water and Salt" or "Your Bodies Many Cries for Water". I have found these to be excellent, foundational tools for all health concerns.

Following this simple advice can be life changing. It can affect your mood, your ability to cope, your quality of sleep, your skin, your clarity of mind and your general feeling of wellbeing.

In the book "Water and Salt", he lists a huge number of illnesses and diseases that can be dramatically influenced with these simple tools, including Asthma and Allergy, stomach problems, hernia, pain, obesity, depression, high blood pressure, cholesterol, cancer, headaches, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and alzheimer's disease. Many of these diseases have their basis in dehydration. "Obesity, depression and cancer are three of the labels we in medicine have created to describe the killer process of persistent unintentional dehydration in the body" (Water and Salt, page 35).

But read the book carefully or look at the website, because you must use a pure salt and a pure water. Table salt, for example, is extremely toxic to the body. It is "not real salt" (page 37).

These are wonderful books and good information. Enjoy!

Be well,


More on "Water and Salt": signs of dehydration

I found this information really interesting - he talks about "perceptive markers of dehydration" as follows:

discrepancy in the rate of water supply to the brain
produces a certain number of sensory outcomes that
I consider thirst perceptions. They are as follows:

Feeling tired
Feeling flushed
Feeling irritable
Feeling anxious
Feeling dejected
Feeling depressed
Feeling inadequate
Feeling a “heavy load”
When you are too tired to get out of bed first thing
in the morning, you are, in fact, so dehydrated that
your brain is refusing to get engaged in your daily

The book contains amazing stories of healing through the use of water and salt: cancer, asthma, ulcers, mental illness, diabetes, pain in the body, auto-immune disorders (Lupus, Chronic Fatigue etc) and many others.

If you are interested in knowing more about the water and salt therapy, look at the websites, particularly

As with all information, you need to know more than what I have told you here. In the interests of brevity, I will do several more posts on the topic to divide it up for you.

Be well!

Morning Sickness

I suffered very bad morning sickness with both of my pregnancies, the second one being so bad that I vomited everything I ate and in desperation ended up being prescribed Maxolon which I was on for the duration of the pregnancy.

One of the books I bought Sunday at the Phillip Day Seminar was "The essential guide to Water and Salt" by Dr F.Batmanghelidj and Phillip Day. After reading it cover to cover, I now think what we described as "morning sickness" was actually a form of bulimia. Listen to this:
Uncontrollable and repeated vomiting of the
stomach contents, which has been given the medical
labels of "heartburn" or "bulimia", could be one
of the waysthe body prevents irreparable damage
when it is severely dehydrated. When it is said
that bulimics feel hungry all the time, there is
confusion. As far as I'm concerned, they are
confusing their sensation of thirst with hunger.
When they should be drinking water, they eat.
Naturally the body rejects the food because it
does not possess enough water to digest and
assimilate the food. (extract from page 67)

I am unlikely to ever have another pregnancy myself, but if anyone suffering from severe morning sickness comes across this post, I would strongly recommend getting a copy of this book and reading it (or check out before taking a drug that masks the symptoms.

If you need any motivation to increase your water intake (that is, WATER, not any other beverage!) this book is a must read. I might do a book review to give you a taste of what a sensational book it is.

I delved into it because I was looking for a solution to my eldest son's hacking, wheezy cough which had been constant for several weeks (he is an asthmatic). Applying the water and salt therapy as described (using Himalayan pink salt) I can see a huge improvement in two days. I only remember him coughing twice today, as opposed to constant, lung wrenching spasms.

If you aren't sure where to buy the book, check Phillip's website at You can also read more of Dr Batmanghelidj's work on the websites and

Be well!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Phillip Day video testimonials

I spent 4 hours yesterday glued to my seat listening to Phillip Day speak at the Brisbane Mercure hotel. Fabulous speaker, fabulous information! I couldn't wait to get home and try some of the things he suggested myself.

Phillip is a health reporter and researcher with 20 years experience investigating. He heads up a publishing and research organization called Credence and tours the world educating every day people on how to dramatically improve their health with simple changes, simple solutions. His research is thorough, enlightening and life changing.

On Friday I found this link to some video testimonials by Australians, who have had remarkable healing in their lives as a result of going to a Phillip Day seminar - listen to them for yourselves:

Do you reckon his information is worth hearing? Absolutely!

Be well,

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A new approach to health

I am just reading The Hon. Kim Carr's An Innovation Agenda for the 21st Century and this phrase caught my attention:

There is more to improving health, however, than inventing new drugs and medical devices. We also need to improve our understanding of the physical, environmental and social determinants of disease. We need to focus on prevention, not just on cure. We need to get smarter about the way we deliver healthcare, especially as our ageing population puts increasing pressure on services.
This is the 100th post to my blog and I think it is appropriate that the post turned out to be on prevention.

In the few years that I have been running the Health Highway I've been amazed time and again at how little we really know about wholistic health in modern western society and have been quite shocked at the fabulous results that can be achieved outside of the realm of "accepted" medicine (shocked, I think because we aren't brought up to believe that its possible, or that alternatives already do exist). I live and work with people who have experienced amazing healing and believe I am one of them (my 13 month old child reminds me of miracles every minute of every day!). I fully admire the work of evangelistic health educators like Dr Mercola and Phillip Day and aspire to help people on the scale that they do.

There is so much we can do to help ourselves, at so little cost. I have come to believe that there are easy solutions. I know from my own experience with Chronic Fatigue and Infertility that there is a better life, a better health.

What are you looking for? If its better health, better sleep, clearer thoughts, clearer skin, stronger bodies, in short, MORE LIFE, then get in touch. Its simple.

Be well,


Minerals make a huge difference

I decided to join a local Gym this week. Although I am fascinated by health and wellness in general, being physically active in a formal sense is not something I've done regularly since my mid 20's. So I decided it was about time to take notice of all the commentary about the importance of exercise and do something about it in my own life.

I have engaged in some fairly demanding activities this week, including a "step" class for the first time and I have really expected to be "sore". But to my amazement and delight, I have almost no muscle soreness. I put this down to the excellent nutritional supplements and particularly the minerals that I take. I have also found in several instances over the past couple of years that my recovery from minor injuries has been much quicker than I would have expected. Another example springs to mind when I had a particularly hard deep tissue massage. Ten years ago I would have been sore for days, but my body barely reacted.

This is great! At the end of my first week I am quite excited to think I can go to the gym and work out quite hard and not have to put up with much soreness as a result, something which used to put me off of going.

I have so many things to blog about that have come to my attention this week, but I had to share this one with you.

Be well!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Help for everyone!

A conversation last Friday with a highly respected colleague reminded me that the information I have to share should never be placed within limits. It is available to everyone! I often say that I want to help women and working women feel better but this recent encounter made me realize that my male colleagues need just as much help - sometimes they may need it more, because women are used to "nurturing" and men often don't have time to look into their options!

So I am changing my blog profile because I don't ever want someone to feel this information isn't just as relevant for them.

A dear business friend brought this home when he said to me yesterday "if you can fog a mirror, you need this information!".

So always feel free to contact me about any information on this blog. I'll look forward to helping you as much as I can.

Please, be well!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wonderful article on infertility

I've been browsing a very interesting site tonight and came across an article on fertility. This is definitely worth a read if you are having trouble conceiving! In fact it brought tears to my eyes, as it always does, to think that the solutions could potentially be so simple, in comparison to the four years I spent in the "baby factory" of conventional and unpleasant infertility treatment.

I was really interested to read his comments about Zinc in the article.

After I had our first son and then went through the detox program (I blogged about this last week when telling my story), I discovered through my naturopath that I was very deficient in Zinc. Now that I know what to look for, I can read the signs myself and "top up" my Zinc when I need to. I've been meaning to blog about Zinc for a while and I will do it, soon, I promise!

But the reason this interested me is that I believe our totally natural (and unplanned!) conception second time around, after I turned 40, was because of three things:
1. detoxing our home by switching to safe products
2. addressing nutritional deficiencies in my body
3. a prostate health product that I put my husband on after hearing about its benefits at a product seminar

Intrigued, I have just checked the ingredients of the product I put my husband on and guess what - it contains Zinc!

So enjoy reading this article on fertility and consult your naturopath about whether this might work for you. The bit that brought tears to my eyes? "Its a wonderful feeling, by the way, to help them bring a soul to earth".

Holding my babies have been the most precious moments of my life. If I can help one person experience that joy by putting them in touch with this information, then life has been worth the living. If this works for you, then I'd love to hear from you!

If you want to follow the exact steps we took, I would be very happy to show you or send you information about the products we used (which were very affordable in comparison to conventional infertility treatment!).

Be well. Deidre.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Phillip Day on Cancer

"The fear cancer invokes is largely due to the public and medicine’s misunderstanding of what the disease is and what can cause it". If you have never heard Phillip Day speak, he is a MUST SEE. A brilliant journalist, researcher, whistle-blower and public speaker. He is currently touring Australia and his schedule is here:

One of Phillip's famous books is "Cancer: why we are still dying to know the truth". I will try to get a book review put up on this in the next week or so for those who are interested.

If you can get to one of his talks, DO!

Be well.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

The meaning of success?

My Health Highway business by-line is "Fast Track Your Success". But what does this mean? A friend commented to me recently that "most people spend more time planning a holiday of one or two weeks than they do planning their life". How true this is. I think the same could be said for people's health. Most people don't even think about their health until something breaks - for some people, its a small break and "easily fixed" but for other people it may be a great big earth-shattering break that has a long road to recovery, if at all.

Looking back on my own earth-shattering breaks, they actually weren't as "sudden" as they appeared to be. My story includes Chronic Fatigue and Infertility. Both were shattering. Both were debilitating. But both are now behind me forever. So what happened?

At 31 I got very, very sick. I was working a crazy job - long hours, high stress, lots of travel. For several years before this point, I used to get one really bad viral attack each year that laid me low for a week or so but I invariably worked through it, thinking work was all important and I'd get over it, so why stop? In fact, I was totally committed to my career and felt I had to do it all and do it all faster and harder than anyone else.

I'd been through a divorce in my mid-20's, lost a great love in my life, and moved to Melbourne where my career took off. These three events were so huge in themselves I found the only way to cope was to bury myself in work. So bury I did. For 5 years I threw myself into various jobs and although I didn't admit it to myself, my aim was to totally exhaust myself so that time would pass and I could gain distance from the pain. I actually got that wish - be careful what you wish for!

So at 31 I ended up with Chronic Fatigue. I'd had a particularly bad flu and in my usual manner had pushed through it. I'd go to the Doctor when any one symptom became unbearable. At the time I was living in Sydney and I was travelling a lot with work. In the end I'd seen about 7 GPs in 3 states to get a quick fix for whatever seemed worst at the time. I had absolutely no idea at the time that I was dealing with Glandular Fever. I'd wake each morning drenched in sweat, after nightmares and fevers. I'd wash and go to work or to the airport or deal with whatever was "so important" that day. I often couldn't eat because my throat was too sore, but I still kept on.

Deep down I wanted someone to help me, but I had no idea who could. Time off work wasn't an option - we were in the middle of training for a major new account. The GPs had given me scripts and pills but nothing was really providing any relief. I was in the middle of moving and renovating a house and planning my second wedding and in the midst of so much busy-ness there was little time to stop and see how bad my health really was.

The week before the wedding, we were driving in the car with wedding guests and I couldn't speak to them - my throat was too sore, I was too exhausted. My fiance said "this is crazy, you have to find out what's wrong" so we made an appointment with a GP in the area we'd moved to.

When I said I'd had the flu for 3 months, he said "that's ridiculous, no one has the flu for 3 months". Glandular Fever was diagnosed the day before our wedding and not surprisingly the day after our wedding I could not get out of bed. In fact, we never had our honey moon. I couldn't walk from one end of our kitchen to the other. It was sudden and it was total.

Chronic Fatigue is a terrifying, debilitating, horrific illness. Just to participate in life I had to be literally carried around by family and friends. New Year's Eve was spent on the sofa, drifting in and out of consciousness and catching glimpses of the fireworks on TV. It was months of struggling to breathe, struggling to live, struggling to walk, lying on a couch or bed for hours trying to draw strength to eat or drink. Not being able to hold a conversation. Not being able to shop, or cook, or clean. Getting dressed or undressed was totally exhausting and I often needed help. This is not how a bright, promising young career person wants their life to be in the first weeks and months of married life in their early 30's. I can only wonder at how much my husband must have loved me to bear that time. And he lost his job the day I ran out of sick leave - oh what a day that was in our lives! He was a truly awesome man that day and I will never forget his self-posession.

I was truly blessed that the Dr I went to that week before our wedding had a close collegial relationship with another local Dr who practised acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine. I was placed in the care of the most amazing medical team who literally worked a miracle in my life and brought me back from total debilitation. They both totally supported my health and my mental wellbeing and recommended that I see a practitioner for EFT to deal with some of the negative emotions and perceptions I had at that time.

It was my first exposure to complimentary health care. It was the first time I had been totally dependent on someone to help me just to live. To add blessing upon blessing the EFT practitioner I saw was the leading expert in Australia and I was so lucky to come across this form of therapy. It has been invaluable in my life over the last 11 years. I responded extremely well to acupuncture and EFT and the nutritional approach gradually, milimeter by milimeter, drew life force back into my body. My "alternative" doctor very gravely told me that I had to think of my energy as money in the bank. At the end of each day, I had to make sure there was a balance left. I could never, ever go into overdraft again.

In 6 months I was back at work a few hours a day, although I had crossed a line with my life and I knew I could never work as I had. The new job was delightful and in that I was lucky again. I was so careful though. So very careful. And I was careful for years and years. When you live with fear day in and day out you get used to it. But I was so grateful for life after what I'd been through, even if I had to control every aspect of it to cope.

In a few years we moved to the country. We wanted to start a family and with so many years of illness this had not been an option. The country life offered a slower pace, a less polluted environment and promise of better health.

But within a year of moving to our dream home in country Queensland, we discovered that one reason for our lack of conception was a massive fibroid, requiring a myomectomy. Then slowly, but surely, as the months passed our options narrowed into IVF. I was a very unwilling participant. Having been through Chronic Fatigue, I was worried about how I would cope with pregnancy, how I would cope with a child, how I could possibly survive night feeds and the tiredness that new parents spoke of. I had so carefully controlled my life in the years after the illness that the fear of losing "normal" life was greater than my desire for a child. I was past my mid-30's. I worried whether the child would be healthy - were there greater risks for us, with the history of Chronic Fatigue?

So months of treatment dragged into years. I resisted each step of the process. And I juggled my caution with my anger and questions of "why me?" Why Chronic Fatigue? Why IVF? With miscarriage, my grief and my confusion were unbearable. It was months before I could face the thought of trying again.

But this part of the story has a happy ending. In May 2005 I conceived and our beautiful baby boy was born in January 2006. The most amazing moment of my life. There is nothing to describe the emotion of bearing a child. I was 38.

Several weeks later as we were sitting in the local Medicare Office, a lady sitting next to us struck up a conversation. She commented that the baby was beautiful and must be very precious. I told her she had no idea how precious, that it had been a long journey to hold him. She asked if I knew about harmful ingredients in baby products? I admitted I had been too scared to use anything but water on his skin since he was born and that I really wanted to know about safe products.

That lady, that stranger, is now Godmother to our second child.

I believe without a shadow of a doubt that we would not have our second child if she had not spoken to us that day and started us on a new path of healing and happiness.

The products she told me about are the main stay product range I promote through the Health Highway. They have healed our life in so many ways. They gave us a child.

I started this post because I was musing on why I had chosen "Fast track your success" as my byline. Because when I found out that the harmful ingredients in every day products in our home cause reproductive complications, amongst so many other terrible things, I was angry and saddened to think that I had been using those harmful products every day that I was on infertility treatment. When that lady told me she had suffered from Chronic Fatigue for 14 years and had been healed by using these products within months, she won my heart. We have become very close in the four years we've known each other. And through her I have met people who are now amazing mentors and healers in my life. She brought me into a new family and a new life which I am thankful for every day.

I can now look back at the last 11 years and be thankful for the illness and thankful for the IVF, the surgery, the fear, the controlled life. Because you can't truly understand gratitude for freedom if you haven't been in prison. Am I well now? Oh yes. Totally and wonderfully well and I no longer carry any fear of Chronic Fatigue.

My most heartfelt desire is for others to know what I know now. For them not to have to go through years of IVF to hold their baby. For them not to have to experience Chronic Fatigue before they can embrace fantastic health. For them to spend time planning their successes, whether those successes are goals for health, for prosperity, for career, for family or simply for life experience.

Through the Health Highway, I want to reach out to women, especially working women, who want to know what its like to have the best of everything. I want to share my story to let them know that they can fast track their success because I can show them the tools to get there.

Can I help you?

Be well. Be truly well. Claim success in every part of your life. Deidre.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Cancer-fighting properties of Slippery Elm

While I was researching Slippery Elm Bark, I discovered that this is one of the ingredients in a tea known to be beneficial to cancer sufferers - a traditional north Indian herbal remedy. I have such a tea product in the Health Highway product range. In addition to the Slippery Elm, it contains Burdock, Sheep Sorrel and Chinese Rhubarb.

I decided to look up the story of Nurse Caisse, who is famous for her blend of cancer-healing tea using ingredients such as those above.

The story contains some startling and wonderful stories of healing. It is interesting that in response to the question of whether her tea formulation would heal cancer, she responded:
"If it does not cure cancer it will afford relief, if the patient has sufficient vitality remaining to enable him to respond to treatment". In treating her own mother, she said "giving my mother 18 years of life she would not have had without ESSIAC. It made up for the great deal of persecution I have endured at the hands of the medical world".

What a wonderful woman, and what a wonderful, healing product. I hadn't personally tried this product in my range, but with the results I am getting on Slippery Elm Bark powder, I might add the tea into my health regimen as a preventative measure.

I wonder how horrified and disappointed Rene Caisse would be to see the state of our world, that cancer is rife and the number one killer of children. This simple exchange in the story struck me:

About a year later I was visiting an aged retired doctor whom I knew well. We were walking slowly about his garden when he took his cane and lifted a weed.
"Nurse Caisse," he told me, "if people would use this weed there would be very little cancer in the world."

Imagine that - "very little cancer". I have many close friends and family members who have or are fighting cancer. My neighbour has attended two funerals this year of children under nine who have lost their fight with brain cancer. Is there anyone whose life has not been touched? I must re-read Phillip Day's book "Cancer: why we are still dying to know the truth".

As with so much of our health, answers lie in education. We need not be victims.

If you would like more information about the herbal tea, or if I can help you with any other health information, please contact me at the Health Highway.

Be well! Deidre.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Slippery Elm Bark

Trying a new natural therapy on myself and number one son - so far so good. It seems to have a broad range of applications. For myself, I liked the idea of overall healing - but particularly the soothing quality for the gut and intestinal tract. It is also supposed to be very supportive for the female hormones. My other interest was its healing properties for the teeth, Asthma and dry cough - I've mixed it with honey and spread it on Sao biscuits for the little one and he went to bed without a cough tonight, which was great! I am taking it in my morning shake - a big scoopful. It has a really pleasant taste too. Here are some of the sources I used:

I browsed a range of other sites but they didn't provide much more information. I noted that it is a common ingredient in cancer healing - Essiac was mentioned. I must check the ingredients on the Essiac tea in my own range and see if it is in that. Perhaps another post on this matter later.

Stay well! Deidre.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Male infertility

I have blogged several times on the SBS documentary, "Men in Danger". I just discovered that this can be purchased online from Enhance TV

The program indicates that male sperm production has dropped 50% in the last 50 years and that the factors are largely environmental. Another article I found today which is related to this topic is "Males of All Species Are Becoming More Female" on finding Dulcinea, Librarian of the Internet.

Stay well! Deidre.