

Hi, my name's Deidre Lowe and I run a business called the Health Highway.  My mission is to educate and inform people on the benefits to their health and savings to be made in using complimentary medicine and alternative therapies as part of their own wellness regime.  I have a particular interest in infertility and working women's health issues.

This is my blog.  I draw my knowledge from various sources including:

Dr Joseph Mercola
Phillip Day
Michael Pollan
"Well" a NY Times blog by Tara Parker-Pope

I regularly attend seminars and health talks to keep my knowledge up to date and read widely on topics of interest.

Through my "day job" I've been working with a consultant on some other communications products and he recently wrote on his own blog:
it does not matter what we talk about, how, when or to whom, the vital thing is to remember why people listen. What’s the core promise in the relationship?

It’s non-negotiable. It’s an unwritten clause in the communications transaction that you ignore at your peril. If you don’t know why your audience stops to listen to you, find out or prepare to be treated with contempt. (See
The core promise in my relationship with you, my reader, is that I will provide you with something to think about in relation to your own health management plan and hopefully with the desire to improve your every day relationship with your own body and the world.
I hope you find the content on this blog informative and educational.  If I can help you in any way or you would like to suggest a topic, please feel free to email me at
