
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The milk debate

I've heard a number of seminar speakers comment that drinking milk can be harmful to your health. This is one of those highly contentious issues I encounter when talking about health matters with other parents. Many parents believe the extensive marketing that has surrounded milk drinking as a healthy option.

Once again Dr Mercola has provided some of the science behind the debate to remove some of the emotional reaction to the question and gives parents some real data to consider. I recommend reading his article Don't Drink Your Milk!

Childhood cancer concerns

A chilling video from one of Australia's current affairs programs can be viewed on Dr Mercola's website warning us of the danger of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF), and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from mobile phones and other electrical and electronic equipment and appliances.

The video interviews a family whose 7 year old daughter died from a brain tumour. Some alarming stories are mentioned by the Doctor who is interviewed - in particular that he has operated on a one day old baby born with a malignant tumour.

I did not realize brain cancer had surpassed leukaemia as the number one killer of our children. Childhood brain cancer has increased by 21% in the last decade in Australia.

I was disappointed that the article on the Mercola site didn't say more about preventative action. Prevention is my passion. Some of the things I try to be conscious of are: trying to use my mobile phone on speaker whenever I can and hold it away from my body and I never let my child play with it or hold it. I have become very conscious of the fact that my mobile phone sits in my handbag which sits snugly against my right side whenever I am carrying it and wonder if this is harmful as well. Are there other things we could be doing to help our bodies cope? For example, keeping the body alkaline rather than acidic, or the use of antioxidants to combat free radicals?

Food for thought. If useful answers crop up I will add to this post.

Meanwhile, stay happy and healthy. Strive to be informed as much as you can. If we can help you with your wellbeing please don't hesitate to contact us at the Health Highway.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wonderful news!

It has been a few months since my last post but there have been a good reason. Hopefully I am now fully back in action and ready to give you more life-saving information through the Health Highway! The wonderful news is that I am unexpectedly but delightfully pregnant. Many readers know that we had nearly 4 years of infertility treatment to have our son and it was only after he was born that someone showed me information about the effect of many harmful ingredients in everyday products which have a negative impact on human fertility. This information had a powerful impact on me and I have not bought a mainstream supermarket personal care product since that day.

Two years later, at 40 years old, I have conceived a child naturally. We had thought we would only ever have one child as neither of us wanted to go back for more medical intervention. What a blessing for us!

I will be 18 weeks pregnant this week and all is going well. The only down-side to the whole experience has been morning sickness, which has put me out of action and is the reason for the lack of blogging. But the morning sickness is gradually improving. My wonderful naturopath is continuing to work with me in ensuring I have the best of health otherwise. And it is a small price to pay for such an amazing gift.

Stay tuned - the Health Highway will be chock full of great information on maximising your health and wellbeing of those you love. If we can help you with anything specific please don't hesitate to get in touch.