
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pregnancy nutrition

Carrie Burns' article on Pregnancy & Fibromyalgia brings back memories of a hard road travelled! As a chronic fatigue sufferer I found 4 years of infertility treatment difficult to endure and the pregnancy, while exhilarating, was challenging in many ways. Post-birth, I struggled physically and emotionally and had problems with breastfeeding. My gorgeous son has had health challenges since his birth, the main one being asthma which resulted in numerous emergency trips and hospital stays in his first year. Like me, he is extremely sensitive to various chemicals. The product range I promote through the Health Highway has had a dramatic affect for us, the nutritional supplements keep his asthma at bay and have given me more energy and stamina than I have had in over ten years. The personal care products are safe and unscented. Unfortunately I didn't know about the products while I was pregnant and I believe they would have made a huge difference to my pregnancy and the weeks immediately following his birth.

Nutrition in pregnancy is vitally important. Some interesting research in the UK on Barker's Hypothesis reveals links between foetal malnutrition and mortality and morbidity in adulthood.

I also particularly support the work of Margie Aliprandi's 1000 Moms campaign and would love to help any Mums or Mums-to-be with this important information so they can be well informed of their options. As Margie says,

It's about empowerment. It's about awareness. It's about making a difference.... changing the health of the next generation, being pro-active, becoming educated and making better choices. It's about living fuller, richer lives while offering hope.

If you would like more information (CDs, literature, web links,
research) please contact me directly. I'd love to help you help the next generation.

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