
Monday, February 4, 2008

Its all about education

Dr Samuel Epstein has spent 40 years trying to change government policy and manufacturer production of dangerous ingredients in personal care products which seriously compromise our long term health. During his illustrious career he decided that the only way he was going to make a serious impact on people's health was to turn to educating the public rather than lobbying government and industry. He established the Cancer Prevention Coalition. His basic message is that the best things you can do for your long term health is avoid harmful ingredients in products that you put on your skin and use in your environment. For women, this includes all of your personal care products, deodorants, toothpaste, cleansers, moisturizers and makeup. For men, your shaving creams and lotions, hair care products, deodorant, toothpaste, moisturizers, sports rubs and so on. Start now and reduce the toxic load on your body and your toxic footprint on the planet. You will see and feel the results.

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