
Monday, April 7, 2008

Importance of Antioxidants

I spoke on a conference call tonight about a great new probiotic on the market which I will convert to a blog post soon. I took these notes from one of the other speakers who covered the importance of Antioxidants. I hope you find this useful!

Free radicals cause cellular damage to the body and are thought to be the primary factor in the cause of disease and conditions such as cancer, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and so on. How bad are free radicals? Scientists have proven that the biological potential of a human cell is 120 years. To live up to our biological potential we must eliminate toxic invaders which destroy our health.

Our bodies are naturally equipped to produce enzymes which fight free radicals but because of chemical poisoning, depletion, overwork and stress on the land, our produce no longer provides our bodies with the nutrients it needs to create its own free radical scavengers.
It is estimated that the average person has to eliminate two heaped teaspoons of
particulate matter including dust, pollen, tar, acid, smoke, bacteria, rubber,
carbon, metals and many other particles every day

The booklet The Great Grape and Fine Pine Antioxidant Extracts by Tonita d'Raye provides an excellent summary of the issues and provides information about the "Super heroes" of antioxidants, OPCs (grape seed and pine bark). These are truly our best defence against free radical attack. They are 50 x more potent than Vitamin E and 20 x more than Vitamin C.
OPCs can also cross the blood brain barrier, providing direct protection to the brain and central nervous system as well.

The Health Highway can provide you with a super enriched supplement formulated as a powerful free radical scavenger which includes the OPCs together with Tumeric, Ginko Biloba and other nourishing ingredients. It is especially formulated to work while the body is active.

We also have a night time product formulated to work while the body is resting. It contains quite a few extra beneficial ingredients and is a tremendous rejenerative technology.

Therapeutic benefits include improved circulation, beautiful skin, heart protection, alergy relief and improved brain function.

I recently heard about an elderly lady who is a diabetic on blood thinning medication. Her eye-sight was fading and she was unable to watch TV anymore. Taking 1 supplement per day, her eyesight improved. She had also lost feeling in her feet for quite some time, but found when taking this product, she had sensation in her feet again.

Antioxidants are important at any age. The Lancet studied the use of antioxidants in subjects over a 1 year period. Those taking the antioxidants suffered from half as many cold, flu and other infectious diseases compared with control groups given a placebo. Those who did get sick, recovered twice as fast (reported in Dr Kenneth Cooper's Antioxidant revolution).

Heading into the cold and flu season in Australia - would you like to beat the odds this winter? Contact us today, we'd love to help you at the Health Highway. Come on and fast track your success.

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