
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Morning sickness

Some of my last few posts were on the topic of morning sickness - something I unfortunately suffered quite badly.  A good friend recently went to a public lecture by renowned health researcher and activist Phillip Day.  Apparently he commented that morning sickness was often related to dehydration.

I was interested to hear that.  I have been struggling with hydration in these first few months of breastfeeding.  A checkup with my naturopath 4 weeks after my son was born showed I was suffering dehydration quite badly.  I have been trying to drink a lot more filtered water since then and am becoming much more aware of my hydration levels.  By that I mean I am better at reading the signs and symptoms of dehydration.  Better at listening to my body.

I have noticed that when I increase my water intake, the baby is much more satisfied with his feeds.  A great reason to stay motivated to drink and drink and drink!  I have also felt less hungry, and I notice I get a slight headache if I do not drink while he is feeding.  

I recently bought a nice SIGG water bottle which holds just under half a litre.  If I drink one for every feed at 3 hourly feeds its keeping my fluid intake at a good level.

Maybe if you are suffering morning sickness, try drinking more water and see if it helps!  My naturopath suggested adding a tiny pinch of celtic sea salt to the water to help its absorption at a cellular level.  Glad I have the Sigg bottle though because I remember hearing somewhere that salt increases the absorption of aluminium and the glass lining on the Sigg bottle will prevent this. 

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