
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Still like your soft drinks?

I've never been a fan of soft drink, but the issues became even more real to me last year when my cousin started to develop "MS-like" symptoms. After months of investigation and lack of answers she eventually came across a Doctor who knew and understood "Apsartame disease". There is information on this in Phillip Day's book "The ABC's of Disease" (available to buy in Austalia, scroll this list). You may also wish to read the information on Dr Mercola's website What happens to your body within an hour of drinking Coke. Another article on Avoiding Sugar draws on Phillip Day and Dr Mercola sources.

1 comment:

playsmart said...

Hi my name is Warren and I think your blog has great info. So many drink soft drinks and wonder why they get sick easy with no knowledge of why. I have am on this highway of life to find answers and find Dr Mercola's emails great reading also. I went and had a look at your link savvyhomebusiness but seems I need a pass word from you. I hope you can give me some more info soon.
I am a therapy consultant pointing people to food and supplements to improve their health plus sell products to help people heal themselves. The Bioptron is my main product line with info @ and the other product is the amazing Harmony Chip Evolution which truely has made a big differmce,to their health for those who now have one here in New Zealand,with info @
